wake up, it’s spring

It’s been quiet here for a good reason.

51 pages.

17,201 words.

42 of 150 recipes.

They are in my editor’s hands right now at Running Press.

Those pictures above are just a tease of the recipes you can expect to make in your own kitchen next spring. They’re not the photos that will be printed in the book—just some shots I took with my iPhone.

And now, it’s time to get back into the test kitchen.


  • Maria in NJ

    Oh Jenny thank you for that little tease…I knew you must have been busy with the book, but just wanted you to know that you have been missed…the pictures look enticing…

  • Kelly Senyei

    Congratulations on this huge accomplishment! You are almost there! I had such a blast at lunch and at FBF and I’m so glad the conference introduced us. Looking forward to staying in touch (and to getting this book in my hands)!

  • Tracey

    Good Morning and What a Happy Day for you1 That is great. We will look forward to seeing it. Let us know when it is out and I will look for it at the Good Cook Book Club. Can’t wait!

  • Terri Moreno

    I am so happy for you and your girls!! I have been reading your blog and have shed more than a few tears. I am amazed at how you have moved ahead and shared your journey with all your readers. All I can say is Thank you for making us realize our bad days aren’t near as bad as we would lead ourselves to believe at times!! I can’t wait for your book, would be really nice to meet you at a book signing someday!! Thanks again

  • Suzanne

    How exciting! I can’t wait to try these recipes.
    And I have to say, your writing, even when discussing something terribly sad is poetic and beautiful.
    Wishing you continued healing. Or is it just accepting the new normal. Whatever “it” is, I am wishing you the very best.

  • Sue

    Congratulations, Jenny! I can’t wait for this cookbook and all those wonderful recipes. I’m sure it will be wonderful!

  • Jenn

    Congrats to you!! I can’t wait to see the book and the yummy recipes…… and most of all, it’s a true sign that your angel above is blessing you! ((hugs))

  • Miranda

    Seriously delicious photos. All the best with this project! Would you maybe sometime dish on how the rest of us might also push forward on projects close to our hearts despite everything else going on in our lives?

  • Flavia

    Congratulations Jennie! I can’t wait to buy your cookbook; I know it’s going to be a smashing success. Happy cooking!

  • Patsy Witchey

    Good work! You’re an inspiration to each one of us. Can’t wait to buy the book. 🙂

  • Kimmy

    ((hugs)) I love getting a look at all of those lovely dishes. You deserve it, the book, the joy, all of it. Cheers to you. 🙂

  • Andie

    beautiful pictures 🙂 looking forward to the recipes. much love and hopefulness for you and your family <3

  • katie

    Ahhh! That’s so exciting! Congratulations again. I’m so honored that I got to meet you last weekend at Food Blog Forum!

  • Rene

    I’ve managed to find two pasta machines at tag sales (we say yard sale here on the other coast) and they BOTH squeak! Now I realize the squeak is actually layers of memory — of pasta made and sauce simmered and families enjoying one another over comfort food. Thanks for the images and sharing your journey. I’ve found great comfort in your words.

  • Sandy Magar-Speed

    I too, connect hand making pasta with someone I love and miss desparately, who has passed. Like the romantic scene with the potter’s wheel in the movie “Ghost”, I always feel my loved one’s presence, guiding me in the proper way to mix the ingredients and shape the dough. I feel the love from long ago envelope me in a scented embrace, and I remember when they were here, making the pasta with me. For me, homemade pasta is the love of my life and a connection to the life I had.

  • Michelle

    Jenny – I enjoy reading your blog very much. it is on my favorites tool bar. I lost my daughter this summer as well and so many things you write about really connect with me. I wish you and your daughters peace.
    Also, i look very much forward to your cook book.

  • Sarah

    So a pasta maker would be cool but I also think your site is cool too 😉 Actually, I find it powerful and moving and humbling and hunger inducing. So keep on keepin’ on