homemade mayonnaise {with a lowfat version too!}

I know I say this often, but heavens to Betsy, my body can’t keep up with my thoughts and ideas lately. Perhaps my brain operates at 27 hours a day, while my body is bound to the mere 24 hours we’re allotted.

And then, there is the occassional sleep we need to keep forging ahead. I didn’t get much of that this past weekend, sharing a bed with the girls at my uncle’s summer house in Long Island.

I can sense this will be a busy week, not just for my personal schedule. I have so many recipes I’ve been wanting to share, so I’m going to keep this post short and sweet. Besides, do you really care what I have to say once you hear I’m sharing a recipe for homemade lowfat mayonnaise? You may have skipped to the recipe already anyway.

But if you’re still holding on to each word, attentive as an honor student, then you should know I’m darn proud of that lowfat mayonnaise recipe. Remember I said a while back that packaged mayo scares me? Well, more so than regular mayo, lowfat or light mayos send a shiver down my spine from all the scientific jargon on the label.

Many recipes call for using a hand whisk when making mayonnaise. When I created these recipes a couple of years ago, switching to a food processor seemed like a natural and easy change, or one would think. My first attempt to use technology was a disaster, and so was my second, resulting in oily egg yolks that never emulsified. The key ingredients, egg yolk and oil are humble but oh so temperamental. The key is to slowly add the oil, so it still took about 20 minutes.

Then last year I had an eye-opening experience. I watched Chef John’s video on making mayo with an immersion blender. It was a revelation, and I don’t know why anyone would want to spend 20 minutes making something they can so easily do in just one. Yes, one minute is all it takes to enjoy creamy homemade mayonnaise.

last summer: roasted vegetable & ricotta cheese hand pies


This recipe is now available to paid subscribers on my site, Simmering.  Join thousands of other subscribers now for as little as $2.50/month. Use this link for a special 15% discount on annual subscriptions for being a loyal reader of In Jennie’s Kitchen (that’s only $25.50/year!).


  • Martha Tackett

    I’m with you on the light and low fat mayonnaise … how can they take the fat and/or calories out and what did they put in? This looks great – just have to get an immersion blender. Thanks for sharing the recipe.

  • Mrs. Jen B

    So fabulous. And so easy, really – it seems intimidating but really, when reading your instructions, it’s not. I’ve heard nothing but wonderful things about the difference between store-bought and homemade mayo…looks like I need to test it out for myself 😉 Thank you for sharing this!

  • Gail

    I’m an unabashed mayo lover, especially in the summer. I can eat a big bowl of cucumber & tomato chunks dolloped by mayonnaise, or hearty slices of country bread sandwiching juicy beefsteak tomatoes dressed in mayonnaise, salt & pepper.
    This recipe and technique will obviously aid and abet my mayo love.

  • Katatethat

    I see potato salad in my near future. Thanks for the recipe. Also, planning on trying out the nutella this week. Love love love your recipes.

  • Jessie

    First: I love my immersion blender;don’t know how I got along without it!
    Second: I love mayo! I’ve wanted to try to make my own, but hate the idea of lugging out my food processor to do it…
    AND you’ve provided a lighter version… stumbling across this post made my day

  • Autumny70

    I’ve been making the “Joy of Cooking” blender mayo for a couple of years. Always a hassle, breaking out the blender, scraping out the mayo. Can’t believe I never thought of the immersion blender! I made this last night for my BLT’s and it is fantastically easy and very very good. Thank you!

  • Bella

    This sounds great I can’t wait to try it.
    I heard that the mayo is better if you use a fancier oil like walnut oil. Maybe try that or other oils and see how the taste differs.

  • Cheri

    I tried this recipe & couldn’t get the mayo to set up. (I tasted it though & it was delicious.) I used olive oil instead of canola because that’s what I have – I normally don’t have anything else; would that be the reason? Any suggestions?

  • ruthie

    When I first learned to make mayo, it was from a cookbook of my mom’s that used a regular blender. You put in everything but the oil, gave it a few whirls, then left it running while you drizzled in the oil. It always worked.
    Then I read someplace else that the traditional way was to use a chilled platter and a fork to first mix the eggs etc., then to swirl continuously as you drizzled on the oil. That worked, too, but took freakin’ forever, and my arm felt like it would fall off. 😉
    I don’t know if I trust my technique with an immersion blender, but I am definitely going to give your low fat version a try. I’m one of those people who gets sick from the stuff they put in “lite” mayos to replace the fat, so this will be a real blessing when I’m wanting to watch the calories.
    Thank, Jennie!

  • Barbara

    Wow I can’t wait to try your low fat mayo. Its so simple I will never buy the jars anymore, its homemade from now on. Thanks for your wonderful recipe.

  • Ana

    This recipe sound great!! I have two questions

    May I use coconut oil / olive oil instead of canola??

    May I freeze a portion of this mayo for future use??

  • Jennifer Perillo


    I haven’t made it with coconut oil, so I can’t comment on the effectiveness of it. You can use olive oil, in which case it’s then considered an aioli. I’ve never frozen my homemade mayo, but please let us know how it turns out if you give it a try.


  • Carol

    I can’t wait to try this as both my husband and I went on a diet and the only thing was no regular mayo just the low fat. All chemicals and won’t eat that. I thank you for this as I have made my own reg. mayo but this is going to be great. Yogurt is not the same in salads. Thanks

  • Erin

    Wow, just made the egg white version and it’s great. I admit I was skeptical it could taste good with just whites, I’ve made regular whole-egg mayo myself lots of times, but wow. Never buying that preservative- and stabilizer-packed crap from the grocery store again.

  • Rebecca

    Sounds great! But, I don’t see that this is lowfat as it is still ~ 100% oil. How do you figure? Granted, great to use whichever pul you prefer.

  • Jennifer Perillo

    Rebecca, it’s a lower fat version than traditional mayo because it uses egg whites only.

  • Dottie

    Bravo on ease to make and taste! Thank you for sharing your discovery. I use this all the time now.

  • Mel


    This recipe seems great! I am going to try it this week. I was just wondering does the mayo only last 1 week?! Can I freeze for later use. I only use 1 tbs in the day depending on what I’m eating (Tuna Sandwich) would really like to have and use until gone. Hope to hear from you!.
