thankful thursdays {12.31.2015}

This time of year is filled with reflections. Where have we been, we are we going, where do we want to be? These are evergreen questions, I suppose, perhaps even necessary to stay feeling fulfilled. We spend so much time running, but often we feel like we’re going nowhere. It’s so easy to get stuck on the hamster wheel of life, especially as a parent.

There is much to figure out, professionally and personally, in the coming year. I don’t have all the answers today. Just thinking about them makes me exhausted. I bid adieu to 2015 a little weary from a month of traveling, but thankful that I was able to see so many people I love simply by slipping a key into the ignition of my car. I’ve no profound wisdom to share from these last 365 days. Come Saturday, I will continue to be a work in progress, figuring it all out like the rest of you. I’ve never been one for resolutions, but one thing I want to commit to in the coming year is to get back to journaling. My inner voice is screaming to get out and make sense of things. Letting the thoughts morph into words, flowing from the tip of my pen to paper is the next best thing to therapy for me. Two of my best friends must’ve had a sixth sense because they gave me beautiful journals for Christmas. The pages, and each word written, will tether me to them, and for that I’m incredibly thankful. Here’s to a peaceful, gentle end to 2015, and cheers to all the possibilities that await in 2016.

Thankful Thursdays 12.31.2015 |


  • Nancy Shampo

    I am not big on resolutions either, but I am carrying over one I started about a month ago. I have been practicing a discipline of thankfulness each day. I think this has been good for me.

    I hope you are able to do your journaling it can be so cathartic. Happy New Year!

    Nancy S.